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National Philanthropy and Programs



Ray of Hope Walk to End Violence Against Women


The Ray of Hope Walk to End Violence against Women (ROHW) aims to raise awareness of a global epidemic affecting the lives of women, children, and families. Every 15 seconds a woman is physically assaulted by an intimate partner. In the United States, over 22 million women have been victims of sexual assault in their lifetime. The ROHW will shed light on the various forms of violence against women and girls, and also raise funds to assist organizations working towards ending gender based violence.


The walk will feature various events designed to highlight the different forms of violence against women, inclusive of a kick off ceremony, a rally celebrating the resilience of survivors, and a community fair where participants will learn about the realities of the abuse and violence plaguing homes across the country and the organizations that are committed to ending this global epidemic.


Reach for the Gold Scholarship


The Reach for the Gold Book Scholarship recognizes academic and benevolent achievement among young women of color, and supports continued success through the first year of college. The Omega Phi Beta Foundation and Alumnae Association of Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated awards one scholarship recipient annually. Please visit the following link for more details:

Golden Colibri Grant



The Golden Colibri Grant was established in 2011 and serves to recognize and support the professional and academic development of alumnae members of Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. The Alumnae Association awards $500 annually to one Sister in pursuit of an advanced degree, professional certification, specialization, or license. 

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